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An extension of the LinearOpMode class that adds a few extra utility features, namely:

  • A global mTelemetry, a Telemetry object which logs to both the driver station and FTCDashboard

  • A global hwMap (hardwareMap, but shorter name)

  • Broadcasts a message (BlackOp.STARTING_MSG) when the runOpMode method is called with Scheduler.emit

  • More will come soon as I think of new, helpful utilities


It's just like using LinearOpMode, just a couple minor differences:

public class MyOpMode extends BlackOp { // BlackOp instead of LinearOpMode
@CreateOnGo // Can use @CreateOnGo to automatically
private MyMotor myMotor; // create objects when go() is called

public void go() { // go() instead of runOpMode()
Scheduler.launchOnStart(this) {
mTelemetry().addData("Hello", "World!"); // Logs to both driver station and FTCDashboard

class Teast {
static {
Scheduler.on(BlackOp.STARTING_MSG, () -> {
// This will fire once when the op mode is started

// Also, you can globally access a hwMap and an mTelemetry