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A couple random tips

One thing I see a lot in FTC programming is that a lot of people don't take the time to really learn programming- rather they just learn the FTC SDK, and don't go much deeper.

Here are just a couple very random tips for people newer to programming:

  1. One of the most important parts of being a programmer is learning to problem solve. Using resources, debugging techniques such as logging, etc., is a very important skill, and you can't rely on just asking questions hoping to get their problem solved for them.

  2. To go to the source code of a class or where a variable was defined or something, hover over a class name or method or variable name or something in the code, and Ctrl + Click on it to go to explore how roughly it works and see extra documentation. Looking through the library code for both Blacksmith and everything else can really help you understand what's actually happening under the hood

  3. Press Ctrl+Alt+L to auto-format your code a bit nicer if you can't be bothered to do it yourself.

  4. Sacrifice your first-born child to the programming gods.

  5. Take a little bit of time to actually learn Java and Android Studio so that you aren't just bumbling around, hoping to chance upon the right solution. This seems a bit obvious, but not enough people actually do this. If you're going to spend the next year or more of your life working with a tool, why not do yourself a favor and actually learn it?

  6. Take a little bit of time to make your code neater and more clear; future you is not present you, and future you will really thank you.