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The GlobalUnits are the base distange, angle, and time units used by the framework when not explicitly specified.

These default to:

  • distance -> DistanceUnit.INCHES
  • angle -> AngleUnit.RADIANS
  • time -> TimeUnit.SECONDS

You can however set them manually in two ways:


I highly recommend using the second method, even though it takes a couple extra steps. The first method has some dangers covered if you scroll down a little.


Also you can reset the variables multiple times and even combine both methods if you'd like.

Setting up

Method 1

Calling the GlobalUnits.setUnits() method in your code:

public class MyTeleOp extends BlackOp {
public void go() {
// Set just the distanceUnit

// Set distanceUnit and angleUnit
GlobalUnits.setUnits(DistanceUnit.SMOOTS, AngleUnit.ARCSECONDS)

// Set all three units
GlobalUnits.setUnits(DistanceUnit.SMOOTS, AngleUnit.ARCSECONDS, TimeUnit.CENTURIES)

There is a downside/risk to this method. Look at this code:

pubic class MyTeleOp extends BlackOp {
// This is created BEFORE the right units are set
// So this startPose was created using inches and radians
// Not centimetes and degrees, as was desired
Pose2d startPose = new Pose2d(toIn(50), toIn(50), toRad(180));

public void go() {
// This is called too late
GlobalUnits.setUnits(DistanceUnit.CENTIMETERS, AngleUnit.DEGREES);

Basically, calling any method that uses the units before the units are properly set will lead to some undesired behaviour.

Method 2

In the second method, we're doing to use a config file to set the units, which solves the aforementioned problem.

First, find the Teamcode -> src -> main -> res -> raw folder

In the raw folder, create a new file called file


Spelling and case-sensitivity is very important here.

Finally, in the file, put in the following:

Very important

Unit spelling must also be ON POINT.

To get the spellings for each supported unit, find the doc for the designed unit (e.g. DistanceUnit), and copy paste over whichever unit you want (e.g. centimeters or LIGHT_YEARS)

*Unit names are not case sensitive