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Kalman Filter Localizers


This section assumes you'ne already set up the roadrunner localizers from (LearnRoadRunner)[]. You can, ofc, use Kalman filters directly as well for your own custom localizers.

You can tune the followers and such later, but the base localizers need to be set up before you try to use the KalmanLocalizers

Kalman filters are great tools for the mechanisms on your robot, but they're great on your localizer as well! The standard run-of-the-mill two wheel and three wheel tracking localizer has been extended to by adding Kalman filters on each of the localizer's outputs. Doing this reduces the drift of the robot and should help make your autonomous more reliable.


If you have a SampleMecanumDriveCancellable, make sure to edit BOTH SampleMecanumDrive and SampleMecanumDriveCancellable, otherwise it may not be put into effect! If you're using some other drive object, change the localizer there instead.


Each set of Kalman noise fields per localizer is the same. A rough approximation like the one below (that's what we used) should be fine. Note to pay attention to the range of numbers you're dealing with! Anywhere from 5-35 for the wheel position and velocity filters is reasonable, and 0.10-0.75 is reasonable for the heading filters. I'd reccomend starting with a low number and gradually increasing until you notice adverse affects, if any.

Kalman Two Wheel Localization

To use your two wheel Kalman localizer, edit the fields as seen above in KalmanTwoWheelLocalizer and simply change the setLocalizer line in SampleMecanumDrive to the following:

    // The 'this' refers to the SampleMecanumDrive (or whatever) you're inside
setLocalizer(new KalmanTwoWheelLocalizer(new TwoWheelTrackingLocalizer(hardwareMap, this))
.setHeadingFilterCoeffs(R0, Q0)
.setWheelPos1FilterCoeffs(R1, Q1)
.setWheelPos2FilterCoeffs(R2, Q2)
.setHeadingVelocityFilterCoeffs(R3, Q3)
.setWheelPos1VelocityFilterCoeffs(R4, Q4)
.setWheelPos2VelocityFilterCoeffs(R5, Q5));

Of course, set R0-R5 and Q0-Q5 to whatever values you have tuned.

Kalman Three Wheel Localization

To use your three wheel Kalman localizer, edit the fields as seen above in KalmanThreeWheelLocalizer and change the setLocalizer line in SampleMecanumDrive to the following: It's pretty much the same thing as for the two wheel localizer but with a few name changes.

    setLocalizer(new KalmanThreeWheelLocalizer(new StandardTrackingWheelLocalizer(hardwareMap))
.setWheelPos1FilterCoeffs(R1, Q1)
.setWheelPos2FilterCoeffs(R2, Q2)
.setWheelPos3FilterCoeffs(R3, Q3)
.setWheelPos1VelocityFilterCoeffs(R4, Q4)
.setWheelPos2VelocityFilterCoeffs(R5, Q5)
.setWheelPos3VelocityFilterCoeffs(R6, Q6));

Of course, set R0-R5 and Q0-Q5 to whatever values you have tuned.